- TheSp ritusa /1deatb in line: great while feeme true ones ; as men may have painted faces that havebeen takenfor livingones, but they are not truegraces,fuch asproceed from, thelife ofgrace indeed. obie7. I butfomemaÿ hereobjen and fay, have not Lorne menmany excellent moral! vertues, fuch as . even the godly themfe!ves havenot Indeed it's true that they have,and thefeareGods wfwicked gifts al íb,bur yet theyarebutas chaines ofgolda- mayhave bout a deadmas neck,oras pearlsina fwines fnout: moral rerwes Theremay be manygood things in them, butthey make themnot goodmen ; foras theevill anions. of goodmen redoundnot to their perfons tomake themevill,.fo there goodanions inevill men, re- doundnot to their perfons to make them good ; theymay havegood in them, but are not good. And thus muchfor this third point,,, the figues of this death. .Thedegrces 4. To come tothedegrees ofthis death : oFthis death. The death of Firft, for thedeath ofguilr, that hathdegrees ; tomemen are morebound over thanothers,as the Heathen men that were guidedonelyby the light ofnature, theyindeed were guilty;but the Jewes whichhada moreperfeh knowledge, theywere moreguilty then they: and now we thatlive under the tropicke ofthe Gofpell,and have Sermonup-, en Sermon, line upon line, and every day are .in- ftrue`ted, aremoreguilty then the Jewes : and a- mongft us they that havemoft mearles, andprofit leaft,aremoftguiltyofali; and thereforearemolt bound over unto this death. Second-'