\ The Spirituali death in Tirane: Secondly, for the death that is oppofiteto theme cicada life of graceand faní`lification, th, t alfo admits oprofitc to degrees : t he lifeof grace. z. For the firft part,theprivation oflife,indeed there is no degree; but all that aredead, in regard ofthe privation and abfenceof originali righte- oufneffe,are all,deadalike a. But for the fecond, towit, the pofitive cor- rupt quality,which is called the PA that admits degrees : for one may be madand drunke botha- like, buttheone mayhavefotefparkes of reafon more then theother. The degrees therefore of Three dc- this death, are thefe three that follow : grees ofthis Z. When men doe oppofe and fit theinfelvesdeath againft a holy life, although itbee ciofely andCo-The firkb verilyunder other names,tor againft themdiredily theDivell will not fpeake, becaufehe knowcthit will not be regarded ; but he fpeakesagainft them under names ofreproach, which hehimfelfepath invented.Thefe men are one ofthe bottome flaires ofthechamber of death; and therefore it is al moll impoßîbie they fhould ever rife, but muff needs famine ina pittifull cafe, although it May be they thinkefarreotherwife. Thefecund: 2. When menare given up to voluptuouTeffe and fenfuality as Pmtlfpeakethofthewanton wi- dow, c Tim. 5.6. that becaufeThee lived involup- tuoufneffe, Thee was deadwhile .helived : Even fo, the more a man is funke intovoluptuous courfes, themorehee is dead, and as it were buried in his corruptions, fo that hee is altogether unableto C a ftirre