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12 7heSpirittiah? death in Ant:' ftirreoutofthem ; it is avery difficult thing to 'ate th;rd, leave them ; as in the finnes of uncleanneffe. 3. Whenweare indifferent, andcarenot how things goe ; and thisis when aman is addicted un- to the deathof civili men, which is a degree nea- rer to life, yet istrulyand indeed no better than a death: fuch as have much reflraining grace, thefe are nearer thegateofheaven thenothers, yetthey areas truly (hut outas they that are furtheftoff; it is nomatter how neere they are to heaven, lince they are all out ofheavenalike; they(hall be fure, ifnever anymorequickened, togoe tohell as well as others. The death op- . Thirdly, The death that is oppofed to the lifeof poficeto the joyandcomfort, that hark alto degrees ° God lifc ofioy. fometimes with-drayves his comfort from force more than others,, and fo fuffers form to. have leffehorror thenothers : Thus Ihave briefly ex- plained this death, inwhich all mea naturallyare. Iwill now anfwer an objc lion of Bellarmine a_ gainft that whichbathbeene Paid, andfo come to the fifth thing. Nita. therebe that fay, If all men aredead in finne, as you fay they are, then to what end is all our Preaching, and your hearing r for the dead arewithout life, and cannot be moved withanyof thefe things, and therefore theyare all in vainc. To this Ianfwer; firft,that although everyman bynature be dead unto grace, yet he hath the life ofreafon in thine, wh _