rhe Fpiritmalldeath ínAncs i3 r. To fee that theyare dead, andwithout this life of grace, their confcience telling them fo. 2. By the fight and feelingoftheir death, they areable to bring themfelves to the meanes oflife, as to the Word andSacraments. Secondly,I anfwer; that though all menbe dead, 4sf 2 z yet there is anend and effect of our fpeaking, and their hearing fortheWord that we fpeakemay put life into them, as theword that Chrift fpake untoLazarus, was able torifehimfrom the dead. Thirdly, Wee muff know that there is a great ,lnf differencebetweene thisf irituall death and the Ad1ffeteace p betweene thr corporall death ; for this death confifteth in the fperauel and underftanding and will, and is a free willing corporal' death ; in it they freely flyegood, and embrace e= ; they freely choofe thewayes ofdeath, and therefore are Paid tobe alreadydead : as, fuppofea man is refolved to commit murder, or treafon,and a friend cometo him, ánd perfwade him from ir,, and cannot prevaile,that man may bee Paid to bee dead, becaufe he will doe that that will colt him his life : Even fowe may affirme that that man is . dead already, becau fe heewill doe that that will bring death after thedoingofit. 5. Now for the fiftthing,the ufesof this point, óf The afe That allmen bynatureare dead infinne. p The firIIUfe then that wee maymakeofthis Pfei. poinr,is, If all men are dead in fnue, then let us be i exhortednot to deferreour repentance, faying,we Not to d¢Pct'. will repent afterward. This is a fault ufuall a- repentatsçc', niongf} youngmen, andfuck as prefumeof their C 3 flrcngh.