Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

x 4 The Sìiritw4ll death iv (inneÿ ftrength and abilityofnature to livea great while, they findnature ffrong in them,and therefore put offrepentance till they be lick, and agebring them to thinke ofdeath : but let fuch confider that they are deadalready, and repentance is a putting of a new life into them: Dolt thou thinke it isIn thy power to create anew life in theewhen thou art dead t Surely,na more is it in thy power to repent }!ow the devil when thou wouldefl. Herebythedevil entrappeth deceives men in pc rfwadig many, inputting this conceit into them, that they them to put may repent when they will ; and this hee bring- offtheir re- cth them unto, bymaking them tomiftake regen_ pentanceè tance, inconceiving g ofitto be,nothing elfe but a forrow forfinne paft,anda purpofe to livewell af- terward,and leaveall finne : heneuer tels them,nor theynener thinke thatit is the creation of a new life in them for then they would laymore but they are decejued, this is not to repent, for thou mayeft doe all this, andyetwhen thouhaft ione, saving repen, be damned: But fuch repentance as will fave thy tance ghat foule, is a forrow for thyfinnethat is paft, anda it Is. purpofe for thetime tocome toendevour to leave all finne, arifing out of a loveto God : forall re- pentance arifetheither out ofa love ofGod,orelfe from felfe-love : ifit beout ofa love ofGod,thou wilt prefenrly give thyfelfe unto his fervice, and forfakethy frone : if it be not out of love to God, but out offelfe-love, that thou purpofe£} tofor- fake thy finne, then it is not true repentance, but idle, and rifeth fromby- refpects. Repentance is hard tobehad, it is not in thine ownepower; ex- cept-