Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Th; Spiritualldeathinga e cept God breathe a new life into thee, thoucanft notrepent; thouart as the redclodofearth before God, ofwhich he made Adam ; it had no life,un- tillhebreathedinto it : fowhile the fpirit breatheth inus, we are dead. A Beaft may delire his owne life, fo maya man his owne salvation, but heecan doenothingwithout the fpirit blowes.. When then thefpirit blowes, why wiltthou be fofooli(h as todeferre thy repentance unto. another time a reran Upon paineofdeath were within twen- =ßi1 :. tydayes to be beyond the Seas,if the wind fhould blow well for his purpofe the firft, fecond, or thirdday, wouldheebee fo foolifh asto neglett ir, anddeferre his journey, and fay, it may bee it willblowagaine tenne dayes hence, and then I will goe ' No, hewill notbe fo fooli(h, for hee knowes the ,vine blorveth where and when itlifteth ; and therefore he will take it when it blowes, leafy it blow therenomore. In thefe earthly things men arenot fofoolifh, why therefore are,they fo igno- rant in this point offpirituall wifdome e Let eve- ryoneof us then herebybe perfwaded to learn wifedorrie ; when thefpirit bloweth, neglect it not: certain itis, that except it doth blow in thy heart, thou art damned ; therefore when it doth blow, fuppofe it be at i 7:or 18 .yeeres ofag ,neg- led it no't,omit it nor, neither deferre it, it maybe it will never blow againe,'andthou canft not make kblow when thouwouldeft, for it is free. Thereare none which live vnder- the Gofpell, but at fore time orother have had fome.blafts of thg. 1