Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

36 TheSpirittraldeath infilm; the Spirit, but in force it vaniilieth as bubbles in the water : but let us take heed of that, and un- leffewe couldhavethem againe when we would, let us not let thempaffe: when thouhaft but the Ieaft iparke, let it not goeout, leave it not till it is becomea flame to purifie thyheart. An example Francis spira negle.`ting thefe comfortable of spire, '°blafts, atthe laicwifhed thathee might have had but one dropof that comfort which once hede- fpifed ; and fa till his 1:ií1breath, cryed out, I am damned. Goe not therefore fill on in thyfinnes, falfly perfwading thy felfe, laying, thou fhalt be Paved Remember what God threatneth unto fuch men,Deut.29. i9. He that hearing thewords of thiscur, /hall ble(re himfelfe, raying, Ifhall have peace t4ough I followmy fumes ; theLordwillnotbee merci,fisllto that man. Sit downe therefore but one halfe houre, andconfider withthy felfe, that thou art butadead man, and that thoucantt not quic- ken thy felfe, but it is God only that is able tò quicken thee ; and he quickenethwhombeewill, andthofe whomhe quickeneth are but very-few, as thegleaning after the harveft, or the grapes after the vintage, and thou knoweft not whe- ther thou art in that (mall number : Confider, I fay, butthis with thy felfe, and furely this will make thee never to give thyfelfe reff, umili thou findeft life in thee, andnever be quietuntili thou art lure thou art quickened. F fe 2. Another Ufe which wee will make of this How toefleem point civill men. is a Ifnaturallyall men aredead in trefpaffes and