TheSpiritual) death injnne: ì7 and fumes, this íhóuld teach us how to efteeme of civili men, and fuch like ; wee fhould efteeme of fuch menas ofdead men : and therefore, r WeMould not overvalue them. 2 We fhould not make them our companions. Fiat, We fliould not overvaluethem. For theirbeauty, they have none that is true beauty what beauty have dead men in them they aredead,let usnot regard their feeming beau- ty. Efleeme thepoore Saints ; for they, though never fomeane,are better then thofe,though never fo brave. Grant your civili men bee as Lions, (thenwhichno irrational' creature is better,) and that your Saints arebut as dogges (thenwhichno creatureisworfer,) yet a living dogge isbetter than a deadLion. It's a figneof a new life to e- fteemeno carnali excellencie : fo faith P.tul, a Cora 5. 16, 17. wherefore henceforthknowwee no man af- ter thefiefh ; yea, though wee have known thriftafter thefie(h, yet now henceforth know wee him nomore. Therefore ifanymanbeinChriAbe is a new creature old things are pall away , beholdall thingsarebecome new het, that is, a new creature, will hot regard there things, but they will beedead in his account. Theyaccount us but dead men, therefore let us ac- count them fo alfo. Secondly, Makethem not your companions. Weemay, and ought to love themwith the loveof pitty, but not with the love of delight and complacency : if tho'a love them,anddelight in them, it is a figne thou art dead alto ; .yet in D this