Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

rhee Spiritual)death in pope, this we are toblame, that weedoe not morepitty them,. and feeke their falvátion, butwee muftnot delightin them, and make them our familiar ac- quaintance, for wee can never thrive in grace till we leave them : for although theybee dead, yet theyhave a leavenwhich wil infest thee,although thou perceivettit nor. Wee ufe to fay, weewill makeufe toour felves of the good in there, but let the hurt goe : but wee cannot doe fo ; for wee areinfenfibly hurt,whenwe thinke we are furtheíf sxn0,, from it : Evenas a man is tannedwhen he is wor- king in the Sunne, andheenever perceives it fo sloth their company infect us iafenfibly,whenwee thihkeleaft ofit : It's therefore but a folly topurr pofe to ferve God; and not to break off their milc . company yea, it is aplaine contradiction. Every man is compared to acoale, he°is either living or dead; ifhebea living colle, hee will kindlehim that is next him but nicebee adead coal e, hee thenwill blacke and fullythee : Even fo it is with company, uitbegoodand zealous, it will kindle ouraffedions ; but if bad, it will bee fare to- infehus : therefore from fuchcompany thou muff either gainegood orharm-. ; but for good, cer- taine itis that thoucantt receive none, net there- forethou mutt receive harme : 7 f thou w.alke with thewif,e, thou/h.althemore *VP ; ifwith thefoole,thou fHalt learnfolly, Pro.13. ao. Fïe The thirdUfewee will make of this point, is To ftirre up this, Seeing that bynature all of us are children of tothankful- w a,ddeadin tre a es 4 dfloes This fI ould metre for be- rath, 1 'rc, yuisksacd. Mac