The Spiritual death in finne; .19 ftirre up thofe that are quickened, tobe thankefull to God therefore. Above all, wee ever labour to bee moft thankefull to him that hathPaved our lives ; and this Godhash done for us, let us there- foreftirreup our felves to thankfulnefïe. Pau as wemay read, Rom.7. 24,25. joynes thefe two to- gether, his deliverance, and his thankfulneffe ; owretchedman that¡am Who pal/deliver mefrom thisbodyofdeath ? Itbimke God, through lefiss ChriFt our Lord. Iconfeífe the world efieemes not this, but if theyhave riches therein,theyrejoyce ; and fo like the dunghill Cocke, or unskilfull Lapida- ries, preferre vaine things . before this precious Jewell; but theythat have once found the fweet- neffe ofit, will not lofe it fora world: for ifwee have but this, what though wee lofe wife, chil- dren, goods, credit, andgoodname they are all too light being layd in theballance with this. Doe yee every one therefore confiderwho it was that gave thee this, andto himyeeldall thankfulneffe. Let uslove much, becaufeas nauch is forgiven, fo much is givento us : Paul was ,Much ftirred up with this:contideration, thinking that hecouldne- ver doeenough for Chrift, who had donefó much for him ; as appeares in many places of his E- piffles. The fourthUfewe will makeofthis point, is, Eweare all dead in trefpaffes and finnes,then this 'I4 teachethushowwe fhould efteeme of themeans H ofgrace : if wee are °,dead, then it muff beean wanes ehe wanes°f Omnipotent power which muít quicken us. All'g1a`c' D 2 the It 4 Ei