2-he Spiritual] death in jinni.' themeanes, as theWord preached, the receiving theSacraments,&c. are but dead letters, they are but as pennes without inke, God mutt put ink intothem ifever they .be effec`fuall : and therefore as weemuff not give too little to themanes, fo wee muff not give too much, nor reft in them. Whenweecome to heare. theWord preached, it is not the hearingof the Minifler, but Chriíl in the Wordpreached,which makes us live. It is goodtoheare the Miniíler, but except weeheare anothervoyce fpeakingto the heart, as his doth to the,eare, we thall neverbe thebetter : it is Chrifts voyce in theWord which Both quicken and put life inoúr foules. But here let meewarne you to take heedof breaking the Conduit-pipe from the. Fountain; ifthouheareft andprofiteft not, know, that it is becaufeChriff fpeakethnot to the cares of, the heart, aswells the Minifter to our out- wardcares.. 7e 5, The fifth and lafl Ufe wee will make of this Toexamine point(hall be, If that naturally all menaredeal our fc'yes in finne, this fhauid, teach us to tryour felves, and hare life in. fee whetherwee aredead, or alive. Confider the us or no, íhortneífeand uncertainty ofthy life here : Mans, SrnstIr. life is like anhoure-glaffe; if itrunnes his courfe . it is but anhoure,and it may bebrokenbefore it is runout;yehavebut a fhort while to livehere accor. ding to thecourfe.ofNature, andyet perhaps that courfemaynot. runne outtoo, it maybee broken offbefore wee, are.aware and thenforever, ei Cher in heavenor hell, wee =it abide hereafter oh.