Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheSpiritaalldeath inthine: 2i, Oh then never bequiet vntill you fee wihther you Shall goe, to eternal' bliffe, or everlafting woe. Here the Diuels triickeis to putit intomens heads, How the that acivill life willferue the turne : but he dea, veil deceives_ loth with them as'theofe that take gold from in. civJlInlen, fants,and givethem counters andrattles : and thus hewouldkeepe them from thisconfideration, per- fwading themofthe latitude of religion, and tel- ling them that theyare well enough, feeing they are troubled for force finnes, anddoe fomeduties, perhaps,inprivate; butthis you may doe,and yet bedead 'till. Ifhecannot prevaile this way, then he will labour tohinderthem bydrawing them on ina voluptuous courfe of life, or with worldly cares ,and fo drawechthemfrom themfelves, and fomakes themnever to confiderwhat theyaredo- ing, nor whither theyare going : and therefore is it that in theGofpell of Saint Luke, chap. 16. the prodigall Son is fayd,to come home tohimfelfe,when he oncebeganne to confiderhis eftate : Although /heirconfciencc tell them all is wrong, yet theta- brets o lufts and pleafures make Inch a deane wherethey-are,that theyheare irno!.., and fo never confider nay, if that Chrilt himfelfeagaine, or thefonnes of Thunder fhouldfpeak,e, yet except GodsSpirit fhouldinwardly work; it wouldnot make men ferioufly to confider their eftates : Ir is thehardeft thing in the world to make men fenfi- bleof lifeand death. Let us therefore bee mo- ved inparticular toconfider whether weare dead ex alive, D3