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40 TheDoítirinee Mar ifiatirpta to encreafe fanne : but itis not fo; for fpirituall Joy is a fpeciall meanesto mortifiefin, ifwedoe but corder the natureofMortification ; foras I faydbefore,what isMortificationbut a turning of theheart, a working in it a newdifpofition Now wee know when the heartis notregenerate it is full of forrow, and joy in thiseftate encreafeth fanne : Butwhen theheart is tur- ned from fanne to grace, that is, heavenly difpofed, there is a pleafant object reprefented unto the eyeof thefoule, as Chriii, Juflificatioi , Remißïonoffnnes, andReconciliation : and hencearifethafpirituall Joy in thefoule, which rejoycing is a Mortification of fanne ; for whena man or woman fees fuch excel- lencies in Chrift, (as before) hee fo rejoycethin them that hee loathethwhatfoever is contrary to them. As aman that hath gotten afaire Inheritance which for- merlywas content with a frnall Cottage, but now the right that hee hath to the other, makes him delpife that : fo it is with a regenerate man,thisfpirituall Joy makes himbafely to efteeme offinne, andhisnaturali eflate and thereforefaiththeApoftle, i Cor. r . 3 r. Iproteft that by the rejoycing Ihave in Chrilt Iefus, I dye dally : that is, that fpirituall Joy which hee had in Chrift, ofJuítification and Remil ion of fins,and that fight of glory which he rawby Faith, mortified fit-me in him, made him bafely toefteeme of his corrupti- ons. Wee fee,, by example, aman that is wrought upon by the Law, or theJudgements ofGod,may for a time leavefoie fnne, and rejoyce ingood, as Herod heardjohngladly ; andyet thishis joydoth not mortifie fanne, becaufe it is not wrought by the Spirituponan apprehenfionofthe love ofGod ; that is, it doth not proceed