Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Spiritualldeath infan9, 23 And now teeingthe timeoftheSacrament is at AnaPplicati. hand, let us all examineour (elves . we mutt not ontoexamine make excufes tokeepe fromthe Sacrament, but as. Zr fUves be» forewcre- all, Nehem.9. were to come to the Paffeover, elfeceive the ski. theywere tobe cut off from their people, except craatent. , they couldTewfome good caufe ; fo I know no reafon why it fhould not be fo fä11 for theSa- crament. Butagaine, on theotherfide, ifwee doe come, and are deadmen, wee come iamvorthily, ánß eat anddrrnkeottr onmedamnation innot d fcerning the body of chrJI; i Gor. zx.29., which we doe when weedoenot fufficiently effeerne it, and conceive not what right wehave to, which was the corm- thianrfrnne ; for they knewwell enoughthat that did reprefent his body. Let us therefore takeheed we comepreparedly; foras God ftrooke Vzzah; fortouching the Arke withpolluted hands, and Nadal,andÁbihuforofferingof ftrange fire, fo if thou come unpreparedlyto theSacrament,he will ftrikéthee. Buttoreturnero the poynt whichwas evennow handled, That all men aredead in trefpaffesand ¡innes, becaufe it is point which concernes all fortsofinen, wee will a little further confider it, and inthe next place fpeake of thenature ofdead Thenature or men. dead men. Deadmen areeither, Two kinds of- T. Suchas are flake dead in finne, and doe 1piritualiy makeno thew at all oflìfe ; as are all open dead men. prophane,and notoriouflywicked men. 2, Suchasare dead indeed,and in truth, butyet make II