Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

4 The.SpiritaalIdeath itsfïnne: makeaPhew of life, outwardly feeme to haveit like theAngels, that haveappeared many times inaffumedbodies, buryet have none oftheir owne that is true and fubftan- tiall ; and thefe are chiefly diffembling hy- pocrites, or menmeerely civili. Firít, This Clarke deadneffe, without any thew at all oflife, ofwhich fortweehave everywhere too toomany ; confits chiefly, 1. In theprivation oflife. 2. In analive' pofitive principle. Now thereare certainefgnesarifing fromboth thefe, and theyare i. Pofitive. 2. Privative. Threepofitive i ThePofitivefgnes ofadead man, arc thefe lignesofdead three : men. Firft, All thofe which live any life, whatfoe< A carelelÍe ver it be, feeke fuch things asare agreeable topre- r. mgleet of ferve that life, and hate thecontrary : as a man goodneffe. that liveth a naturall life, looketh for food, ray- ment,&c. fo in thelife ofgrace, there isan apt- neffe to cleave unto goodneffe, andunto Chrift, as irondoth to theLoadítone : So a man that lives the lifeofgrace, his delight is inpraying,hearing, reading,&c. but his lufts, theyare ,egritudinesani- re,the foules fckneffes; they areas thornes to his fides, and fmoke tohis eyes, and he is never well .or at quiet, until! they are removedand gone : but awicked man, one that is dead in finne, he is ficke ofgoodneífe (as theother is ofwickedneffe) and weary íi,fiarke de adnelfe.