26 The Spiritual)death its Awe: alive. Somemay keepe themfelves clean from fome ftnnes, but that will not ferve ; for if they live inanyknownefine, they are dead. Thirdly, a third pofitive figu e is, Whena man An antipathy bath a fecret antipathy againit Godandgodlinefl"e. to God and Some beafts naturally hate fame colours ; fo I godlineffe. Tome men, out of a naturali inclination, cannot endure goodnefhe it felfe, though they pretend . fome caufe. I call it an antipathy when amans ftomacke rifethagainft a thing, and hee knoweth . not wherefore : fo theyhategoodnefhe, meerely out ofanaturaliabhorringofthe thing it felfe, al- though they pretend fome caufe for which they hate it. They diftaft holineffe of life, andfor no jiff' caufe : ifit beyou diftaft filchmenas profeffe an holy andpureconverfatien, onely becaufe they doenot conformeras fome pretend,)why doeyou diffaft thofealfo that doeconformer If you?dif- like theprofeffors ofan holy life becaufe of the hypocrifie they havefound in them, as fome have not ftoodtofay, why doe youalfo diflike thofe thatyouare lure areno hypocrites r Theycannot definethe holyman they hate, but have afecret natur 11 hatred to them theycannot tell why : but we know the reafon well enough ; it is becaufe they livea contrary life to them, and therefore cannot agreenomorethan fireand:water : indeed fire and water mayagree in remiffe degrees, but not in intenie; fo thefemen can fuffer thofe which areindifferently holy, but if they come to any perfetionandheight ofholinetfe, then they can not