The SpiritualI death in ftóne; 27 not endure them. Now the Apoftle fayet expref ly, í Ioh.3.14. By thiswe know twee aretranflated fr'ons death to lzfe, becalife we love the brethren : bee thxt low veth not bis brother, a6ideth indeath. So that it is an infallible fìgne of deadneffe not to love thebre- thren: ifthouhateft the Saints ; nay, ifthou lo- veft themnot; nay, ifthou loveft them not accor- ding to themealiire ofgrace thatis in them, and if thou art not grieved for any of their times, by which they maycaufe fcar Ball, or bee difgraced, thou art yeta deadman. And fo much for the po- ftive figues. z The Privative fignes of deadneffe follow Five Priite whichare there five , The firft privitive figne ofdeadneffe, iswant of . fpeech : Hethat is dead,isfpeechleffe,and breath- Privationof Jeffs, fohe that is dead in finne, inall holy things fpecch. is fpeechleffe ; Out of the abundance ofthe heart the rnottthfleaketh, faith Chriff in the Gofpell, matth. 12. 14. Whenthemouth isfpeechleffe, the heart is empty. Some that are dead in trefpaffes and finnes may fpeakewell fometimes ; but there is no living man but doth fpeakewell. Efa.19.18. Thof that belongto Canaan, willfeake inthe languageofca- Haan Their language will thewwhether they are (aliieans or not: every man delights inoperati- ons agreeable to their habits. Here you may learneto judgeofyour felves,ioyyour words; not by fome words that are fpoken by fits, but by thy ufiall and cufiomary fpeech, that isa figueofthat that is in you. Thegodly fometimes cannot fpeake E 'z gocilily