Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

s Privation of heat- infx. 'ti;ffeñEe; 2S 7heSpiritualldeath in finne I godlily and holily; as a Fountaine fometimesis. moppedup, fo that it cannot fend forth pure ftreames, yet take away the rubbifh that (topped it, and then it will runne cleare againe ; even fo it is with the godly ; andtherefore confider your ordinaryfpeeches, if they be not holyand good, it is a figne that you are adeadman. The fecond privitive fgne is Coldneffe ; when aman isdead, he growes cold fo is it withmen dead in fanne ; theymay pray, but it is coldly ; and fo inall other holyduties theyarevery cold. But force man will be ready to objet andfay, You tell us of coldneffe; but for any thing Ican fee, there is as much coldneffe inthe belt men; for your.godiieffimen arefornetimescold in their prayers... It is true ; but there isthis differencebetweene thecoldneffe ofa godlyman, and a deadman ; If the meansbeufed toagodly man, it dothbring lifeto him againe: ifheberubbedand chafedwith admonitions, or haththe apavrtxof theWord, he will recover hisheat, becaufe theinward prin- cipleofheat 1hll remaineswithin .him: But to a wickedmanufc never fo many reproofes, or ads monitions, heewill 1E11 remainecold : Let this therefore bee acertaine tryall, if after all admo- nitions yon ífiill remainecold,you aredead. The third privitive fgne is Stiffeneffe; a dead mangrowes ftiffi'e, and what pofition. hisbody is inwhen it is dead, in the fame it willrengaine, you ; fo is it withmen fpiritually dead.