The5plylima'death infinite 29; dead, what centre they take, whatopinions they hold, what company theykeepe,they will not bee changed from .them. Rev.zz. i 1. He that isfilthy, let himbe filthyhill: that is, he will befilthyíh11, they will not be changed : Ifthat theyhold tole Gods will, beGods will, fo it is, then they are right; but it is not becafeit is Gods will, but be- caufehis pleafure fell onwhat they held. As a rullie handofaclocke, it turnes not with the day, Simile' but ílands í1i11;. butif the time of theday chance to befuch asit Rands at,itis true; not becaufe it nioveth with theday (as it íhould) but becaufe thedaybath fell jumpewithit : So thefe men, if Gods will hitwith theirs,they willdoe it; ifnot, they will croffe it : This is a fagne of a dead man. The fourthprivitive fagne is Senílefneffc; hee 4 that isdead, is fenfleffe : fo it is with the fpirituaÌl Privation or death,thereis no fenfeinit .they. can neither fee, fenf`. heare, nortalk.. Ibutforne manwill objet and fay, that is not adie 7. true alwayes;for even thewicked fometimes know mattersoffaith ; nay, andfometimes they rellifh them too. Tothis Ianfwer, As it isPaidofthedead Idoli"f fomay it be faidofthem:Mat.13.13. Eyes they have P11édi3'3 gznd fienot,earesandhearenot. Firfl for feeing, they feenot aright : Gods chil- dren fee experimentally, thewicked onlyby con- templation ; and there is a great difference be- tweene them, for as weefeethere is a-greatdiffe- E 3 rence.