'I theSpir;tuall death 1 9nn4 rencebetwixt knowing fire to behot, and the/fee ling ofit; fo betweenea meere notionall know ledgeof Gods will, and a knowledge that doth likeandapprove it. econdly for talk they finde no tafle in Gods Word ; or ifthey findeany, likea vitiated pallar, theyaccountthat which is molt fweet tobee very bitter. Thirdly for fmelling, they fmell no fweettieffè in Chriils name, whereas to his Saints it is a fweetoyntment poured our,that perfumethall the roome. Fourthly for feeling, they feele not whether the Law or Gofpellbe appliedto them, rubover theirskarres, and make them runne downe with blood, they are notwithilanding all thátfenfleffe fiji!: theymay have a counterfeitfeeling arifing, from a naturali confcience, but tohave fuch a fee- ling as maydrive themto Chrifl,theycannot; and therefore ffillthey arebut dead men. Thefifth figne is this, A livingmember, if the 5. No f3nwattli- bòdy be indanger, will have a fympathizingand 'zing in tbe feelingof thedanger ; - asthehandwill lift it felfe ies of /- up to fave thehead, fonowif wehearing the cafe othas. ofGods Church in what danger it is, if wee take it not to heart, orbe not affeetedwith it (efpecial- lynowwe areput inminde thereof)it is acertaine figne wearedeadmen : WeMould have the fpi rits that mofesand Paul had,whoevenwiled to be flroyed; fo they might fave the Church. msfes, rather than that fhould Fern, would have his mum