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Th.. Spiritual /death in/inns . 31' ae racedout of thebooke of life Paul, for the Churches fake would bee anathema, It is a true figneof a living member tobee touched witho- thers miferies ; this was an extafieoflove, in whichout of love to the Church, theyforgate themfelves. This here wemull know, that ifthe creature could de(troy it felfe for God, it could not but bewell,becaufe the good ofthecreature ig more contained In God than init felfe, as the beanie of theSwine is more contained in the Sun than init felfe. Now is the time of confidering this, now is the time of more than extraordinary fatting ; now if you have any feeling, you will film it ; if you are living men, now you will thewyour lelves ; now the Church lyes in tents, and wallowes in blood, now the foundations thereofare (haken; never was the face ofChriften- dome infuch danger as nowit is. Doewee thinke to ftandnow others fall Ifthe firebe at oneend ofthebuilding, (hall we be fate which are at the other end (for all Gods houle is but onebuil- ding.) Arenot they our brethren, and formesof the fame father ' have theynot the fame fpirit ? arethey not ofthe fame profeiTion r (hall weenot then beeready to helpe them r weecannot fend armes over to them, but wee mayfend upprayers unto God for therm : Chriaians are fironger than Politicians, and their prayers are armies. Let us therefore doe what weecan, theforme is notyet Two things to quite over. move us to Nowthereare two things that may moveus to confidcrthe this v Churches mi. 1. Thefery. I: