36 Ths Spiritcall death in fone: I. Thegreatneffe ofthe:Judgement. 2. Ourability tohelpe them. Firít, The greatnelfeof theJudgement : Itwill prove theextinguiíhingofGodsChurch and the Golpell, and when thatis oncegone,what are all other things it was agood layingof that Saint, That brown bread and the Gofpell was good cheare ; what are all our houfes, lands,&c. ifthis Spirituali food bewanting': Secondly, Confider our ability to helpe them. Wemaydoe much by Our prayers ; het that knoweth not his ftrength, ufeth it not : Did not oneMofes, one Eliab ítand inthe gappe ? They did notthefe things as they were extraordinary men, but as they wereGods children: Wemay byourprayersdoe as much; though one childe mayhavebettergifts than another, yet common- ly the father loves all alike fo God (although they hadbettergifts thanwe willgrant ourpray- ers as boon as hedid theirs. But forceman willherebee readytomake a Q,u"! queítion, andaskeme,what I would have himdoe for the Church now r he is buta tingleman, and therefore isunableto doemuch himfelfe alone. anr Ianfwer, Though thoucardnot doemuch,yet What We null' thefe things for Goddeli hts tobeecalledup- doe for the I. Pray g church on, forelfe his hand is not taken noticeof ; but P=;y for it. thenwe fee his hand, and acknowledge it, when wee fee him granting our deliires. So that the ttrength