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The Spiritual/ death inAnne: 3 3 'frengthof a land lyes in Chrifiians, and their dirength lyes in their prayers, as sampfons flrength did inhis haire. Oftentimesprayer is more avail- able thai fighting : .Mafes prayer in the moxn- taine, did more than*nabs fighting in the vallies. If 'Noah,Daniel, and lobflood beforeme (faith God, .Ezek.14.2o.) theyfbouldnotpr'evade : which fhew- exh, thatifany thingcould have prevailed, their prayer would So alfo Luther attributes all to prayer, asmay be feene indivers of his Treatifes. Now this prayer which I urgeuntoyou, muff I. Not onely be fmall expreffions ofthemind, Our Prayers but nowGod lookes for ffrong cryes, and long mutt befcr® continuance in prayer. Mofes prayed all day : vent. Chrifl,whichhad leffe need thanwe have, prayed all night ; Daniel three weekes : therefore wee that havemorewants and needs, ought tobee the moreffrvenr. 2. Our prayers mull be Spiritual!, not out of sp1 ituait. felfe-love; as todefire the fafety of theChurch, that fo under it wemay leada fafe and quiet life ; but out of meere refpea to God, and love to his Church. 3. It muff bea prayerofLäith ; fo the Apof}le Of Faith, faith, Yam. . r5, r6. The prayer offaith (hall fave the fcke,&c. And a little after, The effec uall fer- vent prayerofa righteous manavaileth much Now thereis no man righteous withoutfaith : foaccor- ding to their faithChrifl flill yeelded to them. 4. Pray with conflancy andfervency : it is not wit 1 Con.. forafnatch andaway that is pleadingtoGod;but a ítancys F con-