TheSpíritualIdeatb in conftant performance of duty which he` accepts toth. oz,tigîtte 5. It mutt beethe prayerofa righteous man oLi:AçC, Therefore, Micah 2. the Prophets fought unto God in the time of trouble, but prevailed not, becaüfe they were not righteous : for it is faid there, verf;7. Doe not my words doe goodtohim that laValketh'sprightly With hums 6. Itmuff be with humilitie ; and that confiffs tx; Firft, in confeffng how unworthyweare toob tame any thing at the hands ofGod. Secondly, how unable to ,helpeour (elves, and .. therefore to haveour eyes onely towards God. 2. Another wayto doegood to Gods Church,is,. Be more to be morezealous feekeunto God extraordi- narily : Thecaufe ofthe deftruaioaof a Land, is chiefly the Cnnes of the godly. When theygrow coldand dead, and lofetheir firfl love, then God, as Rev. z. will remove the Candleflicke from among them, and take away his Gofpell. Indeed the carnalneffe of dead men, their prophaneneffe ita contemningofGodsSaintsandhisGofpel,S&c.ha (fenGodsJudgementson a Land, but chiefly the Luke-warmneffeofProfeffors doe it :when Ifrael, asHofea faith, is as a cake halfebaked Let us there- foreretifieour lives, renew our repentance,quic. ken our zeale, elfe thanweebe guiltie of the de- ftrulionofGods. Church byour firmes.. I'` A thirdmeanes todoegood to Gods Church, ss,3 op others 3 g is, to flirreupothers to take to heart the miferies ofthe Church, to prays to renew rtaeir =pen- _ tance0.