Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The9pirituaf deathin fame: 3"5 stance. It would be good ifMinifters would bee as Beacons togivewarning to others, and to fe themonfire. Thus the old Chriftians did, as it were, makean armie (manu fa/%a) againft God,by j oyning togetherin prayer. This is a bleffed a- Ction to ftirre up others.: thus theydid inthePro- phet ¡Walachia time, Mal.3.16.Then they that the Lord,.f jukeoften oneuntoanther, (Teethe iflueof all,) andtheLord harkenedandheardit, and a books of remembrance was written beforehimfor them that fearedtheLord,andthought uponbisName. So,Zach. 8.21. there they didfo ; AndtTe inhabitants of the Citie(hallgoeone to another, flying, Letusgoeee- dily to pray before the Lord, andto feeke theLord of hoaFts, I u+illggoealto. Let ms therefore,as the Apoftle exhorts,Heb.10.24. confider one another to ¡rovoke our f lees to this good workeof fallingandprayer forthe Church; let us marke who is alikelyman to joyne withus,andnot lethim paffe. q. A fourthmeans to doe good to the Church, 4. is, todoe it in due time : Jerufalem hada time to Perforate dts' feekeGod ; ifthenTheewouldhave fought, thee till ,`ß`1L might haveBeenefaxed : And Chriftcomplainer, .uk. 19. Paying, If thouhadiknown, even thou in this tlryday, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. And fo beforeChrift, theProphetsofoldcomplainedof the people ; as Ier. 8.7. Tea, theStarke in theheaven knowethherappointed times, and the Turtle, andthe Crane, andtheSwallow obferve thetime oftheir cam- ming,but mypeopleknownot the judgementoftheLord. z The