Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

36 The Spiritual! death in ßnne.- The time to feeke unto the Lord is now : Some Judgements are fudden,and haveno fore-runners, as the Gunpowder-treafon, in fuch God.lookes not that wee íhould meet him by repentance, be.- caufe we know them not Others ufe lingrirg, fuch as fend feare and rumours before them, as are tIiofe mentioned by the Prophet,Ezek.. 2 2.30,3 r. there,God expec`ls we fhouldmake, up thehedge; and ftanehn thegap before him, and fomeet hint withrepentance to flop the judgement. With Conti- 5 The fifthmeanes todoe good tothe Church, is this, Let us doe itwith continuance : It maybe while the newes is frefh . wee will bee ferventin prayer ; butoften the newes altereth, and foznc- times it, happens to be good, and then weeleave off: But thismutt not be ; wee ruuíl bee conftanr' in this dutie, to the very uttermoft endof all 9 theremay be ebbs and floorings, but it is the 'aft ifiuewhich brings all: therefore let us continue in this duneof falling and praying, that wee may triethat lafl iffue ofal.It is thecommon fafhion to make theafllidions oftheChurch onelya wonder of ninedayes. This was the jewes fault,Ier.34. z0, 3 r . When they heardoftheir enemies,for.a:while rhea. would, pray. But although the newes bee, good, yet fill continue asthe importunatewidow did to the Judge, and your importunitie will move God. Set therefore to ir, andcontinue in it ; Prayfor lerufalern, let thole proffer that loveher peace, Pfalm,iz2.6. Mourne apart, every familie aparrt: It is not enough tohearethis;andto let the lnia