Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Spíritualldeath infanneá 37 1VlïniflErs voycebe to you as one thatfngeth )with .a pleafant voyce : Thus were-the Prophets to the ewes, Ezek. 33.32. Who. heard biswords, bitdid ieot doe them : and therefore God tells them that they (hall be deffroyed in the judgment.The caiveI will. fuller youto purpofeand purpofe todotthis The D.ivei- deferre t;. `o men prefentpraéice, which, is that onelywhichmay from doing doe thedeed. Confider it therefore, and deferre goodDudes. nottheprefent doingofthis dutie: what can you doebetterthanto deliver Gods Church, and you may doe it ; although.yoube poore anddefpifed; yet being, Gods. Saints, yourprayers:. are in force with God ;_ as in Ecéle f 9.r4:, r 5. the poore man delivered the citie by his wiledome ; hee was. poore and defpifed, yet it was heethat delivered., it. Others may feeme to doe much,,_ and 'bud vaunting on thehatches,- bit it is the Saints that. doe it.. If there be,any confideration of Chri(I in you, if anylove, any grace, anywell-wifhing to the Church, pray forit : this is that I feare, you will purpofe to doe ir, but will deferre it ; but, be- Ioved, the. doing onely God regards. Wee, when wereadehowmuch Alevanhr; C,e far, and the like, did, we admire them why we maydoemore by ourprayers, performed in a right manner : -ifyou doeit, either the Church shall bee delivered, and you tall have co:nfort ; or elfe you hall í`3ve your ownefoules.. Without you thus' pray, you. are ;uiltie . of the Churches de(frttéhòn : The horgtnen, iftheyBand (till, álthough they fight F: 3i not: