38 The Spiritualldeath inpanto not againft their owne armie, yet are guilde of their deftrulion,becaufe they fhould have fought for them. The Prætor, if heelet the enemies in thegate, hee is the deftroyer of the Citie, be- caufehe fhould have kept themout: fo the Saints, which fhould stand in the breach , if theypray not, they deftroy the land : So God faies, Ezek. 22.30,31. AndI foughtfor a man amongthem, that (houldmake up the hedge, andfiandin the gapbefore me for the land, thatI flyould not defray it : but 1 found none : therefore have Ipowredout againindig- nationuponthem, I haveconfirmed them with the fire of my wrath : theirowne way have Irecompenced upon 'theirheads, faith the Lord God. Becaufe hee could not find .a mantoftand in the gap, therefore hee powred forthhisindignation on the land. Their not praying deftroyes the land: The Saints and holyProphetsare theChariotsand horfe-menof Ifraell ; if thenthey ftand ítill, they doe whatin them lies todeftroy the wholeNation : they are notonely the Chariots, butthe horfernenalto theyare the wholedefence ofIfraell; and there- foreif at thefe timesthey be idle, theyare guiltie of the deftru Lion of the whole Church. Hence SalomonPaid, In idle man is brother to him that is agreat wafter. As aPilot, whofor want of atten- tion fuffers a Ship tobeeoverthrowne, orfplit a- gainft the rocker, is guilde of the loffe thereof: So theProphet Samuell, notwithftanding the peo- plehad finned a great finne in forfaking God to be theirKing, faith, i Sani.12.23. Godforbidthat r fhould