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theSpÌritualldeath infans 3 q f >®uld Ave againhi the Lord in coffins. to pray fir and therefore it is a great fnne not topray for Gods Church. The Jewes in the captivitie were commanded topray for thepeace of Naha- chadnezzar, whowas an heathen Prince ; how much more then ought wee to pray for Chrifhian Princes Andfurely, if God Mould take away fromyou this Prince, and give you fuch an one as rseeneMary, you would thenknowwhatit is toenjoy filchaPrince, as now by Gods mercie we doe. Therefore flirre upyour felvesto the du- tie by failing and praying, much mayyou doe this way. Eiter delivered all the Jewes bythis meanes c it was not E.tersword that did it ; for what madethe Kingnot to lleepethat night: how came he tocallforthebooke of the Chronicle how lighthee on that placeof 1tMordecay ? They had firfl turnedGod by falling and prayer, and thenhee thus prepared the KingforEller to fpeak. Thus then, and by thefe meanes we may releeve the Church in difireffe : And therefore ifwe be true livingmembers, let us manifefl our endevour toreleeve them by thefe . meanes. And thus much fartheEgnes ofmenwhich are ilarke dead. Now follow fignes of diflin6lion betweene fuch as feeme to live, and fuchas live indeed: and thefe may bee refembled to fuch fpiritsas at: fume bodies to themfelves, and feeme to in- forme them ; and they are chiefly all Civill men. Now they are difcernedby thefe and the like fignes: The