Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

;Signesefcivil men that teem to have fife, but have none indeed, I. They doe not Grow.. 2. They are movedby a outward c;pie. 40 TheSpiritualIdeath inPine: The f-rrii figne is this; As the Angels in their of `x4' med bodies famed toeat and drinke, but mani felted not any efEdof it, for theydid notgrow by it : fo thefe men, they lèeme to heare the Word, but theymake no progreffe in it : they may feeme to feed on the Sacraments, but they growby none of theft. meanes, they tillgoo on in their old trat. They are not unlike Tome men which eat as much, or more thanothers, but are -never the fatter but as leane as ever they were: even fo the Minifters of the Golpell now deliver the Spirituali foodoftheWord, in as great abun- danceas ever, yet where is the fruit :' who growes anyfatter, any better liking than before Wee, (beloved) defire not to have againe the fruit of our teaching in your underftandingonly(although that begood) but your praetice : Like beep - beards .which would not have their hay againe of their iheepe in hay, but in themilke and wooll. And hence it is that the Apoltle Peter exhorts them, r Pet.2.2. As new bernebabes to defire the fin cere milke of the Word : and why ' that they may grow thereby . Though thoubeeft neverfowea.kc at the fill'', yetif thou groweft ftronger, it is a . Egneof life; but if thouhatt gotten noftrength in grace, nor no vidorieover your lofts, notwith fia'iding all the meanes ofgrace you have had, yet whatfoever you feeme, youarcftill butdead men. The fecondfgne is ; As the Angels, though t. they weremoved, yet it was from no inward, but from