TheSpir tuall death inAve: 41 from anoutward principle; to there Civili men, and all hypocrites maybe moved, and doe all that goodmen can doe, but it is not from an inward principle, but from forceoutwardandby- refpeet. They are like Clockes and Watches, which are movedbyforce fpring, and therefore when the weights or fpring is downe,they movenó longer when that falfe endwhichmade themtaknhand the (hewof Religion isgone, then'they will bee no more Religious. Thus reafh was Religious, but for force by-end ; viz. while ieboiada lived; and therefore after his death, Iaafh forfooke God. Thus many willbe goodwhileft theyare in good families, undergood Governors , but beingremom vedfrom them, they turnewith the (wine to the tumbling is the mire. Someagaine, good exhor- tations and counfell will make themlive well, and theywill continue fo, while theyare in that good mood : Others will bee good while a ftormeof frckneffe indures, but when the funne,.(hine of . profperitie (hall beginne toappeare, they returne to their oldcourfes:they are like a Bullrufh,which hangs downe his head cull the ftorme is over it, butas foone as theSunne (hines it lifts it upagaine. Some may holdout longer thanothers, yet at the laft all will give over, becaúfe they arenotmoved from forne inward principle. The third is this ; As theAngels a'umed thofc bodies but for certaine times, and places, and oc- Thy doe it caftons, aidafterwards laidthem alide againe ; fo Latin 10 pla and will yourhypocrites doe in (ome places and corn- cou,pces anj+ `_G panics 4