Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheSpir tualleleath its flnxei parries at foul? times, they will takeon them the bodies of living men, and fohave a name to live, but indeed are dead : But come they in otherph çes or companies, theywill layafide their bodies, and then will be asprofane as any. I; confeffe, a godly man may bee the worfe for being inan ill companie ; they may be myrie anddirtie, butyet they í}i1Ì remaine fheepe : as apibbleand apearle foyled withthe fame mire can fcarce be diífinguid. died till theybe waffled ; fo thegodly, doe but wafh them,and then you fhall difcerne them to be pearles ; butthole Wolves, thewicked, which onely takes íheepes cloathing on them comming amongft f Wolves, caff off that cloathingand be- come asmuch Wolvesas any. The fourth figne is this :. AsAngels ordevils They p áke which atfutnebodies, cannotfpeakeheartily as from the ving men, but have an artifiéiall framedvoice, teeth, not fr6 which is from the. teeth outward, not heart fo the heart. 9 ; where there is no truegrace butfeeming,it may be difcerned from the fpeecbes, not in the matter, but in the manner; an hypocrite mayoften babble more than the true Chriffian, as a blazingStarre chines asbright,ifnot brighter than the trueStar; but there is abroaddifferencebetwixt them the onefpeakesbut from the he ad,andtheother from the heart: for a true living mandoth fpeake hear- tilyand feelingly. That the mannerof fpeaking demises comer- lothmuchaffed others, it is plaine: Hence isthat tea bya co n- that hinius reports of himfelfe, that het lighting tyBeans ba into a Countrie.manshou_ f ih u, rla was wholly: ill reà