Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Spirintall death in Jinni. 43 illiterate and unlearned, hee confeffeth that his heartie.fpeakingof faith and repentance,&c. did fo movehim, that he thought that therewas fom-- thing more in . it than meere knowledge, and fo wrought onhim, that by Gods grace it converted him 3 fo that the manner of fpeakingdoth often affe t where the matter Bothnot 3 which anhy- pocritecannot have. And thus much for the fignes offeeming living, but indeed dead men. Novhaving fhewedthat all aredead,it followes that wefhouldPhew themeanes of getting life, whichare alfocomprehended in mytext,and they Two mean i are there two : to get 1á . I. To labour tofee that ye are dead, (raw that were deadin fësand fmes,&c.) as all men are bynature. z. Togoc toChriftfor life, hee it is only that can giveit ; fo faith myText (bee bath quickened you :) It is the propertieofGodalone togive life. Nowwee cannot goe to himbut byChrift, and wemuff goe to Chrift by faith, therefore is faith called a living faith, unitesChrift and thefoule together. Now thedifficultic is in this, that-menwill not come to Chrift and take him: formecome not for him at all, others takehim, but not in good earneft as grafts put intoa flock: but not fo ingrafted as togrow thereby: but when a man is once foundly hunibled,then will hecome toChrift, andnot before for till thenheedoth not hungerand thirftafter him : but the extreame hungriewill beefatisfiedwith nought but meat : G z as