1 44 The Doiríne ofHuniliatiOn as Sampfen faid,Give medrink or elfe Idye.Now lifeconfìfts in the union \betwixt Chri(land thy foule : This union is byLuther compared to fire and iron united, which caufes the iron tohave all the properties of fire, . as burne, fcorch,&c. foan humble Saint, united to Chrift, hashall his pro- prieties, though not in thefamemeafure and deb gree Now thefe mutt bee handleddiftinly q and therfore the firit wanes oflife, is tofee our felves childrenofwrath, and that weeare dead in trefi paffes and firmes : The point thathencc arifeth,, is, That whofeverMouldbe tranflated from,death to life', l9oc. miifirflapprehendhimelfe to bee a child of wrath ontorani atj that is, he mull fee the faceofGod, as ofan angry without aP- Ridge, to farre forth as it maydrive him toChrifto tmrehenfon of So that aman cannot bePaved until! heehath not Gods tofiath onely a touchor two, but a true fenfeof finne,. a áíaetoûanc. ,. deepe,appr-ehenfionof hisfinnes, ofdeath, and of damnation ; for onelyto fuch areallthe prornifes made, Chrift is onlyfentto binde upthebroken hearted : ChriOEcame to. call alithatwere heavie laden, and tholeonly, thofe. hewill eafe :.peace muff be preached tononebutthole that rurne in Sion. Therefore the Apoftle faith, GaL4.. aI, Tell use,ye that are raider theLaw, doe yenot defire to heart the Law ?. Yea, theLaw is Paid to k a Schoelmafíer todrivernen tochrili that is, firft theremutt bee theLawbeforeChrift canbeehad; for e1fe, al- thoughweeMould Preach the Gofpell, At would