TheDoer neofHumiliation 45 becontemned .: therefore Christ inhis time gai.. nedonly thepoore; Thepoore receive the Gllello that is, thepoore in fpirit. God will have his jewels of lifeand fdvation tobe etteemed,which wewill never doe until' we feeour miferie, how that we are in the eftateof death: As the delive- ranceoutof, Egypt would never have beene fo forcer, had theynot beene inextreame flavery and bondage firft. Goddeales withus, as Princes doe with their malefaEtors ; firft they bring their neckes to theblocke,and thengive themapardon, forthen theyapprehending death, the pardon is the fweeter and morewelcomeandacceptableto them. Indeed if the quefion were made,. what God could doeinhis abfolu:repower; Iknow that Godmight convert us andnot humbleus if .hee would ; hemight fayas heedidin theCreation, Let it be, and it muttbe heemight come ina frill voyceonely,.without fending beforea voyce ren- ding the rockes; hee might ufe lightningand no thunder, but wee fpeake.of his ordinary courfe, whereinheewill not ; fornone arefaved butfuch as have not onelÿa fight, but alfoa deepeappre- henfionoftheirfinites.,. Forthe betterunderflandingofthis point, wee muff fconfider thefe things :. z That thereare three things which keepe a manfromChrist. _. Firft, Vnbeleefe: when men will not belee e that hewhichwas borne of the . Virgin Marywas chrittand God a therefore about the :proving of 3 this Things eon:,, Microbic. A.! Three things keepe a maca f're nChr'r( .