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46 TileDoarineof ;Flumilíatron this, the Apoltles did fpcnd molt time, bccaufe then itwas hard tobeleeve. 2.Negleß of Secondly, Not caring for Chrifl ; as thofethat him came not to the Kings feaff, they beleeved that therewas a King anda feast, but cared not for it, they regardedmore their Oxen, &c. 3 °vnwi11ing Thirdly, Not willingneffe topartwithall for neffe to Part Chrift ; they will not take him upon all conditi- withother ons : they fee foreneed theyhaveof Chrift, but things for him not much ; and fo they will forfake tome things forhim, but not all : theyare loath to part with theirmafter finne 5 like the Yongman intheGot pell, hehad done agreat Beale, yet he would not Threethings part withhi6 poffeflions. But to there three things co be fira, muff beoppofed three other things to bringus to gatnft ncefe, ro bringusto Chrlft: ( riftá a. Faith to beleevehe is God. 2. A fleight humiliation to bringvs in love with Chrift. 3. Sound humiliation, tobewilling to part withall forhis fake. The firít is rece¡ved amongft all Chrit`£ians, al- though it is tobe feared that mateydoe beleeve it but confufedly. The fecond is a fleighter manner ofapprehending ofChrift, and that a little for- rowwill doe, a littlehumiliation. But the third (whichwe mull havebefore we can be Paved) to be willing to forfakeall, to leave every finne for Chrift his fake : and that wewill not doe . vntill The necefiity we bethorowly humbled, &are fully broken hat_ ofa deeps lju ted : therefore firit a deepe humiliation is neceifary a/Uiatian. forfaivatian. Secondly,