The ToarinreofHumiliation: 4T Secondly, Ifwe havenot fuch an humiliation, . theneither :. i Wewill not come to Chrift. z Orwe will not flaywithhim. 3 Or elfewe will not doe or fuffer any thing for him. Andif wee wantany of thefewee cannot be raved.. Firft, Ifwe benot truly humbled, weannever. come to Chrift, nor regard him : we may preach Without Chrift long enough, andnobody will regard him, found humi ili- except they be foundly humbled for their fnnes: notcotato. as in theLaw no body didcare for theCideof re- Chrifto fuge, but he that had flaine a man; to him only whom the revenger ofbloodpurfueth,isthe Citie ofrefuge fweet : when the fiery Serpent had flung aman, then he looked to theBrazen-lerpent, and nevertill then.: fo when wefee our fnnesandmi- ferie thereby,then,) fay,and nevertill thenisChrift welcome.. Theprodigal! Sonne never thought of returning home tohisFather vntill he faw that he muft elfe flarve ; when he fawhe could no longer fubfifl, then he returned. So, when wee are fo . humbled for oür films that we feewe (hall indeed be damnedwithout Chrift, then, andnever until! thenwe carefor him. Secondly, Although we doe come to Chrift we w 7lnt yet without webe trulyhumbledwee will never ftay withì*n flay withhim, althougil wee mayrejoyce in his light fora feafon. And for the better underflan- ding fthis, , coniìdx. the foure forts of grounds which kJ