Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

43 TheDoarrneof1=ium líat ó Humiliation which reprefentedfoure forts ofhearers, Mat. tg. compared to The firft werenot humbled at all, (It fellby the the four forts tva esfide, and re entl theFowles of the aire devou- p y f NiatLhi3' redit,verf. 4.) The fecond was humbled a lit- tle, but not fo much as to fuller for him, (The Stanne parched them for lacke of rooting, verf 6. ) The thirdfort were fa farre humbled for fine, that they fufferedfome perfecutions, but would notpart with all forChrifl, the world theyeftee. triedmore ; The themes choakedthew,verf.7.) But thefourth ground was fully humbled ; that is, they were fo humbled is a fight of their finse, that they faw that theyhad more need of Chriff, than ofany thing in the world, and fo would part with all forhim, and fuller anything ; and there fore theyarePaid" tobringforthfruit with patience. Othersmayflay a while with Chrift, but when that comes that theypreferrebefore Chrift, then they leaveChrifl ; for untìll aman canbring his heart to that paffe, thathe canprize Chrift above allthings, undergoe all perfecutions for his fake, heis not foundlyhumbled, butis like the fecond andthirdground. 4: 3. Ifwe flay thus withChrift, yetexcept wee we will net be thus humbled, we (hall neither fuffer nor doe fuser or doe an y thin,' for Chrift. IfChrift had bidden Paul anything for , b him, (before he was humbled) to havedone fo much for him as he did, he would neverhave done it ; but when hewas humbled,then, Lord,whatworald/ thou haveme doe ? And thereafonofthis isapparent, ifwe conffider. .thefe- things Biz(t, "' 4\ 1