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so The Dotirine ofRum.iliation firft place : Thereforein the Scripture this method The DoEtrine is alwayes ufed, by the Prophets, Apoftles, and of nu =than. Chrif£himfelf:, they preached ever repentance 1:11 U.. goe before sanoi andhumiliation before fandificationand juftifica. ficarior tion : This was Chrifis order, as you may fee, Lake 4. Thus didNathanwith David,he laboured to humble him, before he toldhimGodhad for- given him. Thusdid Jomu ; Tetfortydayes andNine- eh (hallbedeF/royed,fon.3.Thus alto God dealtwith Adam in Paradife, he intended to reveale untohim thepromifes of the Golpell, and yet at the first die ftrikes him downe with terror that made him hidehimfelfe, thenhe told himof his finnes,, and afterall reveales the Gofpell unto him, (The feed ofthervonsan fhall breake the Serpents head, Gen. 3.) Thusdealt Peter withhis auditors, Aisa. 38, 39, Repent andbebaptizedevery one ofyota,6-c. Thus youfee that Humiliation is fo necefiary; that without it there is no falvation : Let us come in the next place to makeforeÜfe ofit. rte Therefore (my brethren) feeing this is fo,con- tent not your felves with morality and civility, except you have more in you thannature can give you; nay, except yoube all new, not patched up; as z cor. 5. Except you bee wholly changedand cast into anewmould, being firft broken byhumi-. Nation, youcannot be faved. Try therefore Mx-4 thernow you doe that that others will not doe 3. wherein elfedoththe power of Religionconfift Trywhether youhave denied your felves, . and toughlymortifiedyour dearer lufi,Ancj whatfo- ee