The T©ari°nëof Iílítias : ever the fleth defireth ? andwhether youbeefide offinne regard not what theworld prizeth, la- bour youto haveyour hearts broken,elfeyou may pray,be charitable and lovingto others, andwith Herod, make a confcience ofmany things, yet all will hand youin nohead, becaufeit commeth not from anhumbleheart : for be it never foholy a dutie, never fo contlantly performed, except it comes from abroken heart, God accepts it not : So theProphet Davidfaith,Pfal. S r .16,17. God carethnotfor Sacrifices, (and yet they werehis ordinancesas well as our prayers,) onely abro- kenheart was pleafing unto him ; and therefore whatfoeveryouhavedone froma broken heart, is acceptedofGod. But here Satan deceives men, withgilded things ; namely, formali performance ofholyduties, which when they needthem (as in the day of deathor trouble) !land them in no head. As oftenhe coozcneth Witches, in giving themmoney todoe ionicmurders, they laying up themoney, and when they haveneedof it, going tofetch it, havefoundnothingbut dry leaves.; E- ven thus will all the holyduties wee haveperfor- med from an unbroken heart faile us. Theyare like Glowormes, they glitter greatly inthedarke, Simiteò but when once theSunne comes, their light is no- thing. SoPad, before hewas humbled, hee ac- counted himfelfea godly lean, and none better thanhe ; but afterward, bee was not worthy (as hee Paid) to be cowed an Apogfe. Therefore deceive not your felves any °longer , for nothing is more U .z dart