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The DoCirine o fAlortifacation. 43 £hewyou by wayofexplanation, firfl, what is meant bymembers ; and fecondly, what is meant by earthlie members. For thefirfl; What is meantby Members ?Bymem- xis here bers is meant finne, or anyfoule affe6tionof the heart, mean, by when theheart is fet upon awrong objed ; orelfe up- members. on a good object, yet, either in the man- ner or the meafure, makes it a finne : as firit, whena mans heart is fet upon a bafeobjea, as thefatisfying of his eyesaccording to the luit ofhis heart, or fet uponhis pleafureinordinately to the fatisfyingof his lufts ; now thefeare bafe objeás. Again, thereare other objects which in themfelves are good andmay bee ufed, as careoftheworld, and the things of the world : amanmay lawfully carefor the things ofthis life that hath a charge, ora man may ufehis pleafure for recreation,or mayfeeke after his profit,thereby to provide for his family ; butif thecare for theworld, and the things ofthisworld, exceedeither in theman- nerorthemeafure, that is, iftheybe gottenunlawful- ly, and ifthe heart luft after them, iftheybreed a dif- order in the foule,and a neglect ofgrace, then theybe- come finne. Now they arecalledmembers for thefe reafons : Why b called LTA is: The frfireafonis, becaufe thefe bafeaffeaions fill8eaf up the heart ; that is, they make the heart fit for all mannerof finne, even as the members of the body make thebody fit foraction : nowwee know that the body is notperfed, ifthe membersbee not perfeé ; fowhen the heart is not filled withthefemembers, is may be fit for finnebut not for every finne, but this fillingof it makes it fit forall finne ; and thereforethe G z Apo -.