Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

5 _ Theboarive ofHumiliatiön; dangerous thanan unfound heart, therefore take heed it deceiveyou not: if you never have beetle humbled, now labour to be humbled ; for it was that that made thePublican to be juitified rather than the Pharifie, becaufe hee was humbled and thePharifie was not: and indeed none are further from falvation than thofe that content themfelves withoutward formalities. Now in Humiliation, for our fuller under- Three qcfti. flanding of it, I will explaìne thee three que-, 611S. fions : I WhereinHumiliation dothconlift. 2 What kindeof forrow is required inthis Humiliation. 3 Howwe[hail know, whetherour forrows are true or not. eft, '. The firft quefiion is, Wherein confifis this true, Humiliation ?: ednfw. I anfwer, In three things: True humilia I. In feeing your life to abound withadtuall- tion confifts 1. times 3 then in looking into your heart andnature In feeingour which is whollycorrupted, and the root ofall e- tvcsabound vili, andwhereyourcorruption is ftrongeft, as fire onne, in the root. Many labour to excufe their finnes from their nature, becaufe that that is prone unto it ; butthat makes their caufe the worfe, itincrea- feth theirvildneffe, ; for, why hail thoufuch ana- ture, and dolt not curbeit Betides,their natures are odious to God, though they never fhould breake out ; as aSerpent is odiousunto us,though he us. neverhurt Further,confider, haft thou not , »lade