ze 7'bèDo4irineofHumiliation:. s made thynature worfe e Every finne thou haft committed makes it worfe ; foradtuall finnedoth more increáfe thecuitome andhabit of finne ; fo that betidesAdams finne, thou thyfelfe art guilty ofcorrupting thineownenature. 2. In confiderinthat there isnothing inthee 2 that isgoodatall; fo the Apostle faith,ttom.7.18. It ring char there is For I know that inme dvelleth no good thing : and, nothing good Ga1.3.22. TheScripturebathconcludedall-(not onely to thee. men but things) waderfinne. Men thinkewell of themtelves,becaufe theyhave muchgood in them; but confiderwith thy felfe thouhaft nothinggood in thee at all : Cangood fruit proceed front anill tree:' 3. In finking thy heart with an apprehenfion 3. of death, hell, and mifery, dueto thy finne; then rn fmirin,thy wilt,thou find thy felfe ina miferableeftate, and htartWith an canft not chufe but be humbled, when inconfide f Gods curie rationof there things, thy heart finkes thee, as Belchazzars did him. And fo much for the firft queftion. Thefecond queftion is, What kindeofforrowQeß.2 is required in this Humiliations 1 anfver ; Not thofe violent flathings of for- Anfw.! row, which for awhile amaze likea land-flood What forPOW! butit mutt be this : > is required to true humiliaa= When thyjudgement is enlightned to fee thy ti°n. eftate, and the judgements of God hanging over thee ; and after this convincing, then thy aft_ tionsare ftirred to rnourne for thy finne. If the judgement bee fullyconvinced, theaffections will H 3 follow :. .i: