`14 theDo frineof i á atíoi:: follow : therefore in Scripture , when any is f aid tobehumbled, in thofe places is (hewed that their affeéionswere ltirred ; as we may fee, Ails 16. in the Jaylor : and ofPeter, it is Paid of his converfion, Hewent out andwept bitterly : Soaltoof thofe, Ates 2. it is laid, They were pricked in their hearts : for the groundoftheir forrow is thecon- vincing ofthejudgement, which workes upon the affe&ions ; thereforeChrift faith, The Spirit Jima' comae toconvince theworld ofantte,&c. loh.16.8.The other forrownot arifing from this convincing of the judgement,is but apailion, and fo is [freight gone ; this is anaffection, and fo is more perma- nent althoughit is ftiller,as thedeepeft waters are ever fiilleft. And fo much for the fecond que- filon. uf#. 3 Thethirdqueftion is, HowMall he know whe Cher thofe forrowesofhis be trueor no e/pn f,aTo this I anfwer, Thereis an Humiliation hot Now toknow deepe enough, afreight Humiliation; and there is true forro& anothertoodeepe,which fo drownesvs in forrow that it takes awayall hope of falvation,andbrings defpaire,fuch was-theforrowof ludrs and 4chito- phel: but the thirdand true, is an indifferent be- tweene both : fometimes theremaybe anhumili- ation and nograce, as theremay bea plowing and Triovi true HE no fovving. But truehumiliation differs fromother tiliatíon dif. forrowes thus : fers fromo. Firft,In the rice ofit : both a godlyman and an Hier forrow. hypocrite may ; firfi, be wounded with Gods 3n.th; rife. wrath :. fecondly, delire freedomefrom hell ; but into