\t' rh; 7'c&rine ofHumiliation. 5 51 into the godly God doth infiill gracious feeds, wherebyhee is humbled for finne as well as hell, anddelires graceas well as mercy But thehypo- crite onely deliires mercy and freedome from thefe torments, _ and therefore when the terrour ceafeth his holineffe and delireof goodneffe ceafeth, and fobeing eafed from thetorments, he cares for no more ; but thegodly bee defires to be j oyned to Chrifi, and to have his luftsmortified. Secondly, in thecontinuance of it : hypocriti -- 2. call humiliationmay be longer or fhorter, but it is In the conti-. never confiant, it Both vanifh ; but true humilia- nuance. oufionaa(r tion doth lafi all the life long. The humiliation 299. of hypocrites is like` iron, which while it ishot Simile. in thefire you may fafhion it whichway you will, butwhen it is onceout, it is prefentlyfiiffe againe SoPharaeh as longas Gods handwas on him, hee would let thepeople goe, but asfooneas the fire ofaffiiciionwas removed, his hearewas hardned 9 fowas AhabandSail. But in true humiliation God takes away the iron heart,&givesan heartof flefh, fo that although it may bebrawnie a little, yet {till it is íefh : Hypocrites fo Iong onelyas they are underthe.judgementare fofr, butthe heart of the godly is alwaies fofr. 3: Thirdly, by the frgnes of brokenneffe of heart: BY the fgne3 Nowbrokenneffe ofheart and rt +on Contrit ó£,' r. Heales our finnes. Eirfi, the beloved, the heart. matterfinne, and thenall the refs : other humilia- t' Healer ôty . tionskinneover,but cures not; it flops thefirearne S inner, forawhile,but jt.lereake5out againe: it may caufe you