;54 , Th Etarrine o /fittmrli4ttßn: you tomake many purpofes to leave the finne;yea, and to leave it awhile, but you will recarne to them againe ; whe reas if one bee truly humbled he is ftronger againft that beloved finthan againft any other. ; not but that hee bath ftrong inclinati- ons to thatfinne, but hee is more fhyeof it, and (bannes theoccafions of that finne, becaufe hee bath fullyfelt the fmart of ir, and hathby his hu- miliation feene that finne more thanany other. Nowafter the beloved finne is once healed, then the other timeswill footlebehealed; as in acloth by waffling out a deeper ftaine, the fame labour doth wafhout leílerflaines. 2.Itcaufeth 2. It caufethlove ofChrift : So Mary Magda- love toChuif : len, becaufe thewas humbled much, and faw that Chrift hadforgivenher much, therefore the loved much. So, Paul, who was much humbled, ever expreffed afervent loveto Chrift, as we may fee, i4as 2 r. 13. where bee faith, having beene per- fwaded by his friends not to goe to Jerufalem, r am ready not to beebound, but alfo todyefor thename of the Lord refia : as who fhould fay, I feare no- thing, becaufe I care for nothing but Chrift. So allo, z Cor.5. 14. hefaith, The loveof Chr f eon- ftrainethmee : and therefore when by humiliation we feewhat Chrift hath donefor us,wethinkewe can never doeenough for him. signsto know Nowyoumayknow if youloveChrift or not, waeetic Chrwe ist or by thefe fgues : love no. Thefirít figneto know the loveofChrift, is o- i Qbedicnce bedience ; Hee that loveth Chrift, keepeth his Corn-