The DaChineofHumiliation: 57 Commandements, and they are not grievous un- to him. The fecond figue is this ; Ifyou lovehim, you 2, Affeea Ila11finde in your heart that you lorehim, your towards him; heart will becarried towards him ; as I can tell if I love a man, for then my heart is carried to- wards him. The third figue toknow the love ofChrift, is 3. Thelight this ; It caufeth me toefeecne of fpirituall things, i llg of fpi toprize them at an high rate, andother things lit- deworth : for whenaman is foundly humbled, askehim then what hedefinesmoft,hewill anfwer Chrift andGrace, and that his corruptions may ceafe in him ; as for outward things, hee paffetk not for them : as aman that fees hemuit dye, hee cares forno outward wealth, takeyou that, give him onely thepardonofhis fumes. The fourthfigueof thelove ofChrift, is this ; It rnaketh him content with themeaneft conditi- q.Contented. on. The prodigall Sonne, whenhewas humbled, mane co . fohemight be in his fathers houfe hewas content; dití®ra. he liked themeaneft condition, even to beafer- vant ; I am unworthy to be thy fonne, make mee a one ofthyhired fervants, Luk. z 5.21. So Paul,`after hee was humbled, thought himfelfe unworthy for the Saints company, and that not fora fit onely, but evenever afterhefill cryes our, I am unworthy to beanApoile. ThusNaomi, returning hone to her Countrey, Paid,fhe went out full, and yet had no- thingbuther felfe, fonnes, and husband ; Theac- counted anything too much for her. Ifa man once f;