TheDoU r neofHumiliation: once cometo be verily perfwaded that he is won; thy to be deftroyed, hee can with patiencebeare any loffes and croffes ; for thus are nothing to death, whichhe knower hehathdeferved ; there- forewhat impatiencefoever thou haft, fomuch art thoufhort oftruehumiliation. r.Feare ofof- The fifth figne toknow weloveChrift, is this äcuding God. It makesus fearefull of offending God : tender- neífeofconfcience is ever according to themèa- fure of true humiliation ; for by how much the morewearehumbled, by fo much doe wee feare to offend God,and labour towalke obedientlyun- tohim. Efay 66.2. the Lord faith, TohimTwill. bake that isporeandof contritefpirit, aNd trembleth at my word: If thou artofacontrite heart, thou wilt tremble at his words ; that is, at his Comm mandements ; Such an one feares to breake any Colnmandement, heis fenfbleofthe leaf*finne I-enceitis, that Prov. 225.14. feare is oppofed to hardneifeofheart ; xappy is them* thatfearethat way) bat he that.hardneth hisheart (hall fall intomil chiefe : Now theoppofto tohardneffe, is broken- nefreofheart, but feare is oppofed to it becaule it is afgneofbrokennefie ofheart. Now this fear fulneffe (lands in two things T. In a facility tobeconvidted of any finne for hethatis notthus broken in heart, flands out withGad, and-will notyeeld untohim. 2...Iùa feare tooffend God ; for whenhee is once convinced,helaboursto doe according tohis knowledge and thenis afraid todifple fc God,ei-