The ¶oarineofIan lrat o : á9 In committing the leali finne;as Mofes would not leave the leali hoofe behindehim ; d as lob feared lei hisfonnes fhould have finned inheart, I4 i. 4. He w s fo truly humbled, that beewouldnot f crificefor owne limes only, but even for his Tonnes alfo, and that the leali, thethoughtsoftheir hearts. 2 In omitting the leali good duty, or doingit formally ; which thing the hypocritecannot doe, becaufehehath not this tendernelfe of confcience. Thefixth figne of the loveofChrift is . this ; 6.The6ndin It makes Gods Word tweet unto us ; as it was to °f t'te`` `' in cFic wosd n fl:` Devid, Sweeter than the hone andthehone-c°on;be : Gods CrummesareTweet toan hungry man ; fo if a man hunger after the Gofpell, it willbe tweet panto han. Indeed if theWordbe fweetened with hu- mane Eloquence, it may bee fweet toone that is carnall (for fo it is pleating to nature,) butif the purer it is, and the more it is feperated from thofe gaudy flowers ; if the more piercing it is, the fweetcr it is tous, then it is a flgne of a broken heart; for it is a reproach to thole that have not abrokenheart, and fo itcannot be tweet a as we may fee, Ier.6.1 o. where theLord faith, Behsldd their care isuncircumcifed, and they cannot hearken behold, the Word of the Lord is unto thema reproach they have no delight mit. Andagaine, the Prophet faith, Ier. 15. 16. Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy Wordwas untomee the joyand rejoy, cingofmine heart: It is joy and rejoycing to chofe 2 that 1!