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6o Thebo6rine ofHumiliaelón: thathave abroken heart, as the Prophet had : nay, the fharperit is, themore theydelight in it. 7.1vicaenefíe Thefeventh figne ofour love to Chriff,is this offpitit. It caufethmeekneffe offpirit. TheJbirit that drvel lethin ur (before we 'arehumbled) lraeth after en- vy, ion... 5. now every naturali man is fo.; but he that is ofa broken heart enviethnot, he fpends his anger on himfelfe, and looks to hisowne often ces fo much, thathe regards notothers. Odic51. But fume man will here bee ready to objec`I and fay, My nature is hafty, and 'I cannót fup-, preffe it. A To this Ianfwer, It is true, every one by na iumiliation turc is aLion ; 'butgrace whenthat comes,it turns changethour üs intoLambsandmeeke Sheepe. Luk: Iohn racuré, oyes in thewilderneffe, Prepareheway oftheLord; &c. but how r by Humility : Every highmown_ taineandhill (hall bediggeddonne,andthe crooked 'hall be made Jlraight, andtberough wayes (hall bee made fmooth,. Humility, which prepareth for Chriff,' diggeth downethofe highmountaines,and inaketh plaine thofe rough wayes. I deny nox but that fomtimes Gods child may haue apafìîonofanger yet thepeace ofGod rules in his heart, although that fometimesbreakes out asa rebell, but itdwell not inhim: Chrift is meeke,and fóare all his.And òòmuch for the thirdqueftion. Now toproceed further in the explicationof Humiliation, and come to thefourth queftion, which isthis, ,se oh Whether . thisHumiliation mutt be mall men, as.